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Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

    Site announcements

    Academic Calendar

    by E D T Somarathne -

    Dear All Students,

    You can view the complete academic calendar of the faculty via the following link.


    This link is accessible only to the internal students via their university email account e.g. ag2022001@agri.rjt.ac.lk)

    (Note: Subject to the Approval of Faculty Board and the Senate)

    Printing mistake in the prospectus

    by E D T Somarathne -

    There is a printing mistake in the latest prospectus (2021-2025) in the page number 42 , that course codes of three subjects (AS 4101, AS4102, and AS4103) offered by the department  of agricultural systems are not as it should be with the senate approved document. Consider the following as the correct subject codes and subjects hereafter.

    • AS4101: (2/15:30:55) English for scientific communication
    • AS4102: (2/25:10:65) International trade and development
    • AS4104: (2/20:20:60) Contemporary development in agricultural systems

    Please note that this is subjected to the approval of  Curriculum development and implementation committee

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